Open Source Clouds Comparison: Eucalyptus, OpeNebula and OpenStack
(Author: Davide Galletti) OSSEval (formerly SOS Open Source) has been used to analyze three different open source cloud solutions, namely Eucalyptus, OpenNebula and OpenStack, respectively maintained by the homonymous US-based company Eucalyptus recently acquired by HP, the Spanish C12G Labs company and the North-American OpenStack Foundation. Read more
Bitcoin is Back!
(Author: Davide Galletti) Questo è l’ultimo articolo di una trilogia dedicata al mondo Bitcoin. Nel primo articolo il focus era sul protocollo, il secondo articolo è stato dedicato al potenziale innovativo di Bitcoin mentre in questo articolo vogliamo fare il punto a 6 mesi dal primo articolo. Read more
BitCoin, Open Source Innovation at Work
(Author: Davide Galletti)
BitCoin is a peer-to-peer payment network powered by an open source protocol implementing a triple bookkeping system solving the double-spending problem. The first practical application of BitCoin is actually the bitcoin digital currency itself. BitCoin is a break-through innovation, and its importance is growing exponentially day by day, as you might have noticed reading the news. BitCoin has a dramatic disruptive potential, read below to find out more about how to navigate in this new open source world. Read more